
16 August 2009

Mel Martinez

Mel Martinez, the Republican Senator from Florida recently resigned from the US Senate. It was common knowledge that Senator Martinez would not run for his second term as Senator and the wheels had been placed in motion for a popular Florida Governor, Charlie Crist to run for his seat.

His abrupt resignation leaves the Republican party in an interesting bind, one that I am anxious to see how they handle. The Governor must now appoint a replacement for the one term Senator and by my understanding he cannot appoint himself. Will the Republicans have him appoint a temporary replacement? Someone who knows they are only holding the seat before Crist runs? If so, what politician would do that? Politicians all become politicians because they want to "change" something and sometimes they do. But why then do they become career politicians? The answer is power and the financial advancement provided by public office.

It will be interesting to watch how the Republicans handle this situation. What they do with Mel Martinez after he criticized the party for their handling of Justice Sotomayor, then voted for her confirmation, and finally resigning all within a week.

I believe this is a small example of the discord and disarray inside the GOP. Instead of taking advantage of the battles they have won against the Democrats in recent months and the changing popularity they fray themselves with examples like this.

And as for Mel Martinez. Sir, if you didn't want the job in the first place you shouldn't have taken it.


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