
17 August 2009

For or Against Gay Marriage?

In the news today, gay advocate groups are upset with the Obama administration after they back tracked on campaign promises to find the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional. My question: Why is this an issue?

In many cases we have learned to recognize the partnership of two individuals whom are not married for cases such as insurance and property. Couples that are not married can have children, buy property, insure each other, and in the most grim cases pull the plug on someone. So why should we deny gay couples the same right?

I also agree that if a religious denomination chooses not to recognize the union then that it acceptable and their own right.

Gay and Lesbian couples should be accepted for who they are and allowed the same rights that any other civil union allows; it is only fair. There is no reason to deny them the advantages, disadvantages, happiness, or displeasure that is part of a union between two people.

The Obama administration should keep their promise and declare this Act discriminatory.

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