
30 June 2009

Is this REAL?

I hope that in 4 years we look back at Obama's administration and say "Thank God it's over". Like the liberals with Bush, Obama has provided so much foder for debate yet it has been completely overlooked.

1) It took Obama about a week to say anything with any kind of substance about the unrest in Iran. Let me remind you that the current regime is one that has threatened to "annihilate" Israel, denies the Holocaust ever took place, is refining nuclear fuel, finances terrorists from other countries who go into Iraq to kill our soldiers, supports and finances Hezbollah, kills their own protesters, and has kidnapped British diplomats.

2) It took Obama one day to harshly condemn the military removal of a socialist in Honduras. A man that has been linked to Chavez, Castro, and Ortega. Furthermore, the U.S. backed the OAS initiative to restore Zelaya to power.

3) Out of the 749 Billion dollars approved for the stimulus to get our country back on track (a bad idea in the first place) only about 53 Billion dollars have made it to the hands of Americans in the forms of loans, etc. By the way, rumors are that the Obama administration has started to talk about a second stimulus... seriously?

4) The Democratic House just passed an estimated 2 Trillion dollar Energy tax in the form of a Cap and Trade initiative. Did you know about this? If you do I bet the only thing you know is that Obama came out and said this will make our country more green and create jobs. What that means to you and me? If you live in Florida and you own a home, chances are your electric bill will go up about 25% by 2012. That's just Florida's electric; you have to include Gasoline, Coal, Heating Oil, and any other "dirty" energy that will be taxed. Let's hope the Senate has more sense.

5) A 4th of July "Tea Party" protest was planned in Atlanta to draw light to the heavy taxation of Americans. All of the permits were pulled and everything was approved. About 1 week ago the organizers got a notice from the property managers that they did not allow any political demonstrations on their property. It turns out the mall is owned by Simon whom happens to be one of the largest contributors to the Obama campaign.

Remember my friends that only 1 in 8 mainstream media is conservative. While I am not advocating radical conservatism by any means I do believe that it should be at least balanced. One of my soldier friends made a point on his Facebook status. Why is Michael Jackson's death (while culturally important) the headline for 5 days when there is so many more important things going on in the world?

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