
29 October 2009

Curb Your Enthusiasm's Distasteful Episode

I am a fan of the HBO show "Curb Your Enthusiasm" (CYE). The show is created, produced, and stars Larry David who was one of the executive producers of "Sienfeld". While I never got into the "Sienfeld" show I find CYE extremely funny and cynical. The show is always dealing with controversial issues such as homosexuality, religion, politics, race, etc. Until this Sunday the show in my opinion never crossed the line on any one of the aforementioned topics, sadly now I believe they have.

In Sunday's show Larry David makes fun of the Christian religion's belief in miracles by urinating on a painting of Jesus Christ and telling a woman that it was crying. I am not a practicing Catholic nor Christian but I find this distasteful and offensive.

As I have said before I am a proponent of free speech and it is CYE's and HBO's right to air contents of this nature. It is also my right to start my own little boycott of the show and spread my disgust on this blog. I have written them an email stating that I will keep spreading negative reviews about the show and the channel until they apologize formally. I told HBO that they should take the same consideration with Christians as they have with Jews. I have a hard time believing that any character on that show would urinate on a Star of David and I went on to tell them that they should keep those same standards for any religious article.

In the past I have told my friends and family how much I enjoy this show and how I highly recommend watching it. I now am telling you, my friends and family, to join me in boycotting "Curb Your Enthusiasm" until they apologize for this act. All religions should be treated with respect as there is much good to gain from each point of view.

When a commentator makes a negative comment about black people the Reverend Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are immediately on the airwaves calling them a racist. When someone sprays a swastika on a Temple the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) goes on high alert. Yet, when a Hollywood millionaire urinates on a painting of Jesus Christ HBO calls it "playful". This is ridiculous, one sided, and completely unacceptable. There is no reason to disrespect the Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, or any faith for that matter. Is there anyone else out there who wants to defend Christianity? Or have we all succumb to the methods of groups like the ADL and the National Action Network: "He who screams the loudest quiets the other"

28 October 2009

The hidden truths about the Dem's "Green Agenda"

A central issue in the centrist-left's recent rise to power was the environment. Al Gore won a 2007 Nobel Prize for his works and a documentary combating global warming, President Obama won the election by promoting his "green agenda", and one of the most notable bills passed by Congress this year was the Cap and Trade Energy Bill. What I believe that the typical American doesn't realize are the politics behind every move in ANY Congress or President, whether it be Republican or Democrat.

President Obama and this Democrat controlled Congress haven't "changed" anything. One of the organizations that stand to gain the most from the aforementioned Bill is a company owned by Al Gore. This was reported by Glenn Beck in the end of May 2009.

Here is where this article from Politico.com comes into play:

Dems trump Obama's Green Agenda

Basically the article details how special interests have affected the climate change measures for the Democrats. It explains how Dems from states with a large livestock industry have shut down measures that the EPA wanted to include. Provisions allowing the EPA to measure and regulate the amount of Methane produced in livestock and manure farms. Methane, as a by product of cow digestion, is one of the largest contributors to the erosion of the Ozone layer.

The bill was also amended by politicians with links to maritime unions. Their supporters stood to fall under new regulations from the EPA for steamboats operating in the Great Lakes.

I am not criticizing the Democrats for their actions. There is still very little evidence to prove that human actions alone are contributing to climate change and that any of our minor "fixes" will have any impact aside from increasing prices of goods for Americans. What I am criticizing is the falsehood Democrats promoted in the most recent election: "CHANGE". There is no change from party to party. Politicians will always be motivated by special interests and they will usually not have the average American's well being in mind, just their own.

The only real change I have seen is the radical socialization of this country. If that's what you wanted then it's here. If you want change you have to understand the only change you're going to get is the name after Congressman/Senator and the little letter (R), (D), or (I). Most politicians are motivated by special interests, period. Anyone who doesn't understand that just doesn't read or care enough and it's a shame that people like that have the same vote that I do.

27 October 2009

Excellent European Article

This article really made me happy. It made me happy not because of it's harsh criticism of our President Obama but because it tells me that people are starting to think again. It made me happy because it's possible that the world is starting to look past the illusion and the allure of the "perfect" Obamas. I hope that our honeymoon with this administration is over. I hope that the United States and even the world starting to see that our President has done nothing. As I have said to my close friends: President Obama is an eloquent speaker and there is no doubt that hearing his rhetoric will motivate even the most lazy soul, but that is exactly what he is; he is a speaker, and what we need right now is a "do-er".

Article by Toby Harnden of the London Telegraph

Come on America and the world! Demand more action from the President that everyone helped elect. Let's face it, everyone had something to do with this election. There was pressure throughout the world to get Obama elected. Now you got what you asked for.

Where is the H1N1 vaccine?

Over the weekend President Obama declared a national emergency because of the recent H1N1 infections across the United States. This has the effect of increasing the federal funds that are available to hospitals and all infrastructure slated to combat the flu. The big question is: Where is the vaccine?

On October 22nd Kathleen Sebelius, director of Health and Human Services, testified before Congress and explained that the production of the vaccine was going slower than was anticipated. Really Kathleen? So what you're saying is that the government has failed to acquire vaccines in the allotted time frame. The government failing to meet a deadline? Really? This must be the first time it happens. Never mind that everyday more people become infected with the virus because they have not been immunized. Schools are being shut down, fear is spreading, and people are dying.

But wait, did anyone tell you that we are not even sure if the vaccine works? Do you know that we are not even aware of the side effects it will have, if any? Did you know that yesterday the FDA approved an Intravenous version of this drug? How is it that some cancer/HIV drugs take years to pass FDA scrutiny without any guarantee of being approved and an IV medicine that didn't exist 1 year ago has already been accepted? It doesn't have anything to do with a government agenda, or does it? It couldn't be that the last thing the Obama administration needs is another domestic problem eating away at his popularity. There is absolutely no evidence to back this up but it is interesting to think about.

When our Congresspeople and Senators commence voting on the sweeping health care overhaul that seems to be imminent (Dems have threatened the "Nuclear Option"), remember that the government can't even procure a vaccine on schedule. Are these the people you want in charge of your life? If you get in an accident and need an emergency organ transplant do you want the government making the decisions for you or your family? I feel very bad for the people in the United States that don't have health insurance but you know what? I pay for it in my Medicare tax and as part of my employer provided health insurance. I stand with the majority of Americans that say "Leave my health care privatized".

23 October 2009

Excellent move by Mainstream Media

A must read article for everyone in the United States concerned with their freedoms and their rights to criticize the government. Remember THEY work for YOU!! Something we seem to have forgotten in recent years.


I applaud mainstream media for finally taking a stance against this administration. Hopefully the White House will soon realize the epic mistake they made in trying to isolate FOX News. I am not a blind follower of all of the opinions the OPINION shows make on FOX or any other network; but I will stand up for their freedom to have those opinions until my dying breath.

20 October 2009

Controlling the Press

A very interesting topic was reported yesterday by FOX News. This is a story that by my very limited search no other media has picked up. I found it interesting and I am leaving it for you to decide:


It is ironic to me that the White House has attacked FOX News the way they have in recent days because in all honesty the actual news reporting at FOX, not the opinion shows, are very unbiased.

19 October 2009

Bad decision to delay troops

In recent weeks Gen. McChrystal recommended that President Obama supply an additional 60-80 thousand troops to supplement the war in Afghanistan. According to FOX News the President has officially said that he will not send any number of additional US troops until the election is resolved. THIS IS A HUGE MISTAKE.

There is no reason why any President, Democrat or Republican, should be making unilateral decisions on military tactics. The generals that are in charge of our military have received some of the best training in the world. These people are in the position they are in because they have worked their way there. Our generals are not going to make a recommendation that is bad for the successful outcome of the war. They have years of experience and study in war planning. President Obama has none.

When the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan first started the generals recommended that President Bush send a large amount of troops so that the war would be quick and decisive. The Bush administration did not follow that advice and so we have our situation today. In case you don't remember we were only successful in Iraq after a huge troop surge.

Again I will say this is a huge mistake. Britain has already committed 500 troops in anticipation of the committal from the United States. Delaying the surge will not only impair our ability to stem the Taliban in Afghanistan and in the region but will also hurt the relations with out closest ally. I guess Europe got what they asked for, Bush is out and a weak, pushover is in. My father and I have been wondering could his undeserved Peace Prize have affected this decision???

15 October 2009

What is the truth?

Yesterday the Dow Jones climbed to 10,000 for the first time in a year. Some economists are saying the recession is over. President Obama is touting the success of the stimulus. And Timothy Geithner is praising US banks for their recent earnings.

You'd think with the plethora of good news that things would be better on mainstreet. The figures came out today reporting that from Summer to Fall foreclosures rose an additional 5%. Unemployment is "slowing" to the tune of 500,000 job losses a month. Banks aren't lending and unless you have a near perfect credit score you can't get a loan unless its FHA approved. Credit cards are raising interest rates to default levels even if you have never paid late or gone over the limit (my MasterCard did this to me). So my question is what is the truth? Why is the Dow Jones climbing when all I hear is negative reports? When was the last time the stock market gained 144 points because two companies had good earnings (Goldman Sachs and Intel)

Who is running this show and can you explain to me how it works?

14 October 2009

China controlling US?

Most of us know that China owns roughly 2.3 Trillion dollars in U.S. Treasuries. What that means is that China is the largest owner of US Debt. The U.S. Government will try their hardest to make it seem like this does not affect our decision making in any way but for the first time recently we got a glimpse of what our future could be like.

For the first time since 1991 a sitting US President did not meet with the Dalai Lama when he visited Washington. For those of you who are not aware the Dalai Lama is the spiritual and political leader of Tibet. The Chinese have argued that they control Tibet since the 1300's and since the 1950's this has long been an area of tension and conflict for both the world and China.

Is President Obama's refusal to meet with the Dalai Lama a show of respect to the Chinese? Did he forget the human rights atrocities that China has committed within the borders of Tibet?

This is extremely scary to me and should be to you as well. Modifying actions for the Chinese is immoral and completely contrary to what the U.S. has stood for. A champion for the people like President Obama should defy China and all they stand for: Socialism, not listening to its citizens, media censorship.

But wait... it seems like that's where we are heading.
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